Chip 2005 June
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116 lines
<!-- .................................................................. -->
<!-- Novagraph Chartist Document V1.0 Document Type Definition File -->
<!-- file: nvg.dtd
No Attributes used in this DTD, just elements.
This is the xml file format definition for Novagraph Chartist.
Copyright 2003, by Novagraph, Incorporated, all rights reserved.
This DTD is identified by the following identifiers:
PUBLIC "-//Novagraph, Inc.//Chartist 1.0//EN"
SYSTEM "http://www.novagraph.com/xml/dtds/10/nvg.dtd"
.................................................................. -->
<!ELEMENT NvgChartistDoc (settings,symbol*,line*)>
<!ELEMENT settings (chart,libr,paper?,font)>
<!ELEMENT chart (color,height,width,gridX?,gridY?)>
<!ELEMENT color (#PCDATA)> <!-- Hexadecimal RGB value -->
<!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)> <!-- Height dimension in .001 inch increments -->
<!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)> <!-- Width dimension in .001 inch increments-->
<!ELEMENT gridX (#PCDATA)> <!-- Horizontal grid spacing in .001 inch increments-->
<!ELEMENT gridY (#PCDATA)> <!-- Vertical grid spacing in .001 inch increments-->
<!ELEMENT libr (#PCDATA)> <!-- Name of associated shape file, eg. shapes.shp-->
<!ELEMENT paper (paperSize,height,width,landscape?)>
<!ELEMENT paperSize (#PCDATA)> <!-- Windows size type for paper, values defined by Windows -->
<!ELEMENT landscape EMPTY> <!-- Present if paper is in landscape orientation -->
<!ELEMENT font (face?,tpoints?,bold?,italic?,underl?,strike?)>
<!ELEMENT face (#PCDATA)> <!-- eg. Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman -->
<!ELEMENT tpoints (#PCDATA)> <!-- Font height in 1/10 point increments -->
<!ELEMENT bold EMPTY> <!-- Present if bold emphasis -->
<!ELEMENT italic EMPTY> <!-- Present if italic emphasis -->
<!ELEMENT underl EMPTY> <!-- Present if underlined -->
<!ELEMENT strike EMPTY> <!-- Present if strikeout -->
<!ELEMENT symbol (ident,group?,shape,x,y,height,width,color,transparent?,
<!ELEMENT ident (#PCDATA)> <!-- Unique shape id, integer beginning with 1 -->
<!ELEMENT group (#PCDATA)> <!-- Joined group id, integer -->
<!ELEMENT shape (name,(vector,selBox,textBox)?)>
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!-- Name of shape, text -->
<!ELEMENT vector (#PCDATA)> <!-- Drawing instructions, see Appendix A -->
<!ELEMENT selBox (#PCDATA)> <!-- Size of selection rectangle, see Appendix A -->
<!ELEMENT textBox (#PCDATA)> <!-- Size of text area, see Appendix A -->
<!ELEMENT x (#PCDATA)> <!-- X location in coordinate system, .001 inch increments -->
<!ELEMENT y (#PCDATA)> <!-- Y location in coordinate system, .001 inch increments -->
<!ELEMENT transparent EMPTY> <!-- Present if symbol is transpaerent -->
<!ELEMENT hatch (#PCDATA)> <!-- Hatch pattern identifier, integer -->
<!ELEMENT plane (#PCDATA)> <!-- Plane of symbol, integer -->
<!ELEMENT pen (color,(solid|dash|dot),(thin|medium|thick))>
<!ELEMENT solid EMPTY> <!-- Present if solid pen -->
<!ELEMENT dash EMPTY> <!-- Present if dash pen -->
<!ELEMENT dot EMPTY> <!-- Present if dot pen -->
<!ELEMENT thin EMPTY> <!-- Present if thin penwidth -->
<!ELEMENT medium EMPTY> <!-- Present if medium penwidth -->
<!ELEMENT thick EMPTY> <!-- Present if thick penwidth -->
<!ELEMENT textSettings (color,(left|center|right),(vCenter|top),rotate?)>
<!ELEMENT left EMPTY> <!-- Present for left jutify, or line direction -->
<!ELEMENT center EMPTY> <!-- Present for center jutify -->
<!ELEMENT right EMPTY> <!-- Present for right jutify, or line direction -->
<!ELEMENT vCenter EMPTY> <!-- Present for vertical center jutify -->
<!ELEMENT top EMPTY> <!-- Present for top jutify -->
<!ELEMENT rotate (#PCDATA)> <!-- Angle in degrees -->
<!ELEMENT flipX EMPTY> <!-- Present if flipped in X -->
<!ELEMENT flipY EMPTY> <!-- Present if flipped in Y -->
<!ELEMENT text (#PCDATA)> <!-- Plain text in symbol -->
<!ELEMENT richText (#PCDATA)> <!-- RTF text in symbol -->
<!ELEMENT picture (object?,data)>
<!ELEMENT object EMPTY> <!-- Present if item is a COM object -->
<!ELEMENT data (#PCDATA)> <!-- Base 64 encoded data -->
<!ELEMENT reference (object?,data)>
<!ELEMENT line (label?,labelDest?,color,source,dest,pen,(auto|direct|curve),
<!ELEMENT label (#PCDATA)> <!-- Line label text -->
<!ELEMENT labelDest EMPTY> <!-- Present if label is at line destination -->
<!ELEMENT auto EMPTY> <!-- Present if auto routing style -->
<!ELEMENT direct EMPTY> <!-- Present if direct routing style -->
<!ELEMENT curve EMPTY> <!-- Present if curve routing style -->
<!ELEMENT arrowLen (#PCDATA)> <!-- Length of line arrows in .001 increments -->
<!ELEMENT srcArrow (name,vector?)>
<!ELEMENT dstArrow (name,vector?)>
<!ELEMENT source (ident,(up|left|right|down),point)>
<!ELEMENT up EMPTY> <!-- up line direction -->
<!ELEMENT down EMPTY> <!-- down line direction -->
<!ELEMENT point (#PCDATA)> <!-- location of line attachment, integer -->
<!ELEMENT dest (ident,(up|left|right|down),point)>